Saturday, January 14, 2017

DIY Acrylic Calendar | 2017 Calendar

2017 is here! I've missed blogging and I've decided to come back with full force! If you're not following my YouTube channel, you should! I've been posting videos regularly and took a short brake after filming my 12 days of Christmas series. It was exhausting but well worth it. Fast forward to 2017 and I'm back at it! 

Aren't these calendars gorgeous?! Best part is it only took me about $2.00 EACH! Granted I had most of the materials but it's still a great bargain considering these are acrylic (which is usually expensive) and fully customizable!

Difficulty: EASY!

Tools and Materials:
Acrylic Sheets
Gold Leaf
Leafing Adhesive
Leafing Sealant
Acrylic Paint
Foam Brush
Display Stand
Paint Pen (I used white)
Painter's Tape or any other Tap


1) Remove the wrapping from the acrylic sheet and place the calendar template on the matte side. This is important since we want the writing to be on the glossy side.

2) With a paint pen of your choice, begin tracing the letters and numbers. I decided to make mine bigger than the template so I can actually see the numbers :) 

3) Once the paint is dry, flip over the acrylic sheet and add some leafing adhesive

4) Once the adhesive is dry and tacky, add some gold leaf!

5) Once you have your desired pattern,  add some sealer and your choice acrylic paint

6) Add a few layers until there are no gaps. I recommend doing a few thin coats to build up the color. I did thick layers and it took FOR-E-VER to dry

7) Once the paint is dry and to your liking, add a layer of modpodge to the back as a sealer. You can also use an acrylic sealer but I chose modpodge instead.

8) Add to the display stand and enjoy! I got my stand from the dollar tree.

Check out the full tutorial on my YouTube channel:

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